Friday, September 30, 2016

Me First

How many times do we hear that while we are at school or if you have little ones at home as well. I currently have a two year old daughter and she is an only child but she still has this independent, I can do it all by myself mentality..... AT THE AGE OF 2.....really... where does that come from? haha

Well for the pillar of fairness I came across this cute story by Helen Lester called "Me First". This story is able a pushy, demanding pig named Pinkerton who always has to be first, until one day he got himself into something that he wasn't quite expecting.

After we read the story aloud, we discuss why it's important to let others go first sometimes. I created an anchor chart with their responses to this statement: Being first isn't always best, tell about a time when you were fair and took turns with someone else. I had some lower level students and I allowed them to just draw a picture while others were a little more advanced and could write a complete sentence or two!

Of course there is a cute little craft to remind them of the story and once I put it all together, it looks likes stinkin' adorable.

 How do you teach your students to be fair in your classroom?

To grab the entire unit, use the link below:


  1. What a great book! I'm going to look for it in our library. Thank you!

    1. You are more than welcome! If you can't find it in the library I know that you can watch it online! I had to do that until mine came in!
