How many times do we hear that while we are at school or if you have little ones at home as well. I currently have a two year old daughter and she is an only child but she still has this independent, I can do it all by myself mentality..... AT THE AGE OF 2.....really... where does that come from? haha
Well for the pillar of fairness I came across this cute story by Helen Lester called "Me First". This story is able a pushy, demanding pig named Pinkerton who always has to be first, until one day he got himself into something that he wasn't quite expecting.
After we read the story aloud, we discuss why it's important to let others go first sometimes. I created an anchor chart with their responses to this statement: Being first isn't always best, tell about a time when you were fair and took turns with someone else. I had some lower level students and I allowed them to just draw a picture while others were a little more advanced and could write a complete sentence or two!
Of course there is a cute little craft to remind them of the story and once I put it all together, it looks likes stinkin' adorable.
How do you teach your students to be fair in your classroom?
To grab the entire unit, use the link below:
Here is the tried and true frustrating moment in a teachers life... Are you ready for it?
You have just give out an activity and within 10 minutes your little ones are finished and telling you that they are bored and have nothing to do. Your response???
I would always say to my students, can you go and be a responsible student and move on to the next task. But does that really mean to a 5-8 year old? More times than not, we as adults fail to model what we expect our students to really do.
Ok maybe I exaggerated, we as teachers would not do that would we? Maybe we have modeled it over and over until we are blue in the face, but this little unit is a really fun and easy way to remind students what their responsibility is in school, at home, during play time, etc.
Check it out and tell me what you think!
Hey old friends, new friends and family! Hope that each of you have had a splendid day! I am thrilled and excited about picking up blogging again and keeping you all updated on this new journey that the Lord has placed me on. I have recently stepped away from the classroom (totally a God thing) after teaching for 5 years at a fabulous Title 1 school. This past summer I was approached with the opportunity to be the Coordinator of Character Education and Community Partners with our school district. Of course my initial thought was very similar to yours, what on Earth is that?
To sum it up quickly, I organize, teach, mentor and create lessons to develop student leadership and character education. I do not have one school or classroom, instead I travel to all of the schools in our district, all 36 of them. My day is never the same from one day to the next and I am very grateful for that. I have to brag and say that I have been blow away to see how teachers, no matter the grade level, strive to inspire students to be become the leaders that they were designed to become. We do we have some pretty creative and amazing teachers in our district.
In our district uses the CHARACTER COUNTS initiative to teach character education. Our district adopted the CHARACTER COUNTS! initiative in 1998. Within the frame work of CHARACTER COUNTS! is the six pillars of character that we encourage our teachers to focus on: fairness, responsibility, respect, trustworthiness, caring, and citizenship.
As I create new resources for character education I will share ideas and resources. My goal is to always test out lessons and resources in the classrooms that I visit before posting so keep checking back for resources to be updated weekly!